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The missions and satellite missions in the Main Story mode and Training mode missions of Star Fox Zero.
Phase 1: Hurry to Corneria City[]
Alternate Route: Step on the switch on the way to the tower in Walker form and destroy the Striders on the Cornerian ship. If this is done after Sector Beta is completed, Phases 2 and 3 will be skipped and the extra stage Aquarosa: Floating Target will immediately begin.
Phase 2: Protect General Pepper[]
- Shoot down 10 enemy ships, then destroy all the Strider Drones that appear.
- If a Strider reaches the top of the tower and is allowed to remain there for more than a few seconds, the mission will fail.
Phase 3: Androsa Attacks[]
Boss: Androsa
- Mission Complete: Defeat Androsa by destroying all of the Parabolic Laser Cannons.
Boss: Reactor
- Mission Accomplished: Break off one of the sections of the ship by destroying one of the Parabolic Laser Cannons on the Androsa. Enter the exposed interior by using the Arwing. Transform into the Walker to reach the Androsa core and destroy the Reactor.
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 300 Hits
- #2 Collect 3 Badges in Corneria City
- #3 Open the door to the Alternate Path
- #4 Find it inside the first Strider Drone carrier
- #5 Mission Accomplished
S - Mission 1. Aquarosa - Weaponized Floating Fortress; Floating Target[]
Phase 1: Defeat the Floating Fortress (Time Limit: 5 Minutes)[]
Boss: Aquarosa
Medals - 1
- #1 Destroy the Aquarosa in 2:10.00
Phase 1: Destroy the Cannons[]
Alternate Path: After clearing all main missions and replaying the stage, Pigma will show up partway though. Locking onto him with Target View will end the phase and proceed directly to the extra stage Wolfen: Meddlesome Mercs.
Phase 2: Infiltrate the Warship[]
Boss: Reactor
- Mission Complete: Complete the mission even if failed to save 1 or more of the Cornerian battleships.
- Mission Accomplished: Destroy the three Harlock-Class Frigates before they can attack the Cornerian battleships.
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 300 Hits
- #2 Pass through 3 gold medal rings
- #3 Eliminate the Hidden Drone after saving Peppy
- #4 Eliminate all enemies in the first room of Phase 2
- #5 Mission Accomplished
S - Mission 6. Wolfen - Elite All-Range Fighter; Meddlesome Mercs[]
Phase 1: Defeat All Enemies (Time Limit: 5 Minutes)[]
Boss: Star Wolf team's Wolfen (Pigma and Andrew)
Medals - 1[]
- #1 Defeat Pigma and Andrew in 2:00.00
Phase 1: Hurry to the Colony[]
Boss: Pigma
Phase 2: Activate the Gigarilla[]
Boss: Reactor
- Mission Accomplished: Complete the mission without using the Gyrowing. (This can only be done after Sector Beta is cleared, as it requires that the Walker possesses the ability to hack computers.)
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 220 Hits
- #2 Collect 10 Star Fox coins using Direct-i
- #3 Hack and disable six Walkers after restoring power
- #4 Use the Gigarilla to destroy a specific Troop Carrier
- #5 Mission Accomplished
S - Mission 2. Area 3 - Space Colony; Chaos at the Colony[]
Phase 1: Escape the Colony[]
Medals - 2
- #1 Score 200 Hits
- #2 Pass through 3 gold medal rings
Phase 1: Deactivate the Shield[]
- Mission Accomplished: Complete the mission without being detected by the searchlights.
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 70 Hits
- #2 Collect all 10 silver tokens using Direct-i
- #3 Turn on the Deactivated Spotlight
- #4 Deactivate Katt's generator second
- #5 Mission Accomplished
S - Mission 3. Zoness - Occupied Planet; Sneak Attack[]
Phase 1: Escape in your Arwing (Time limit: 7 Minutes)[]
Medals - 2
- #1 Clear the stage in 3:20.00
- #2 Collect all 10 silver tokens
Phase 1: Help the Cornerian Forces[]
Phase 2: Rivals Arise[]
Boss: Star Wolf team's Wolfen (Wolf, Pigma, Leon and Andrew)
- Mission Accomplished: Defeat Wolf before he can shoot down Peppy. (This cannot be done the first time this mission is completed, and doing so by replaying the mission unlocks the Fortuna main mission.)
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 260 Hits
- #2 Pass through 3 gold medal rings
- #3 Destroy all of the large cannons mounted on the Granby
- #4 Collected from atop a Cornerian battleship
- #5 Mission Accomplished
Phase 1: Search for Peppy[]
Alternate Route: After completing Fichina and gaining the ability to use the Gravmaster, fly towards the warp portal when it becomes visible. This will skip Phase 2 and immediately transition to the extra stage Salvadora: Peppy's Fight.
Phase 2: King of the Desert[]
Super Boss: Scrapworm
- Mission Accomplished: Destroy all the Strider Drones, Worms, and Alpaca Walkers and Save Peppy.
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 320 Hits
- #2 Pass through 3 Badge Rings
- #3 Hover over the Falling Debris when the Strider Drones arrive
- #4 Use the Gravmaster to get near the portal
- #5 Mission Accomplished
Phase 1: Defeat the Superdreadnought (Time Limit: 5 Minutes)[]
- Medals - 1
- #1 Destroy the Salvadora in 1:45.00
Phase 1: Destroy the Missiles[]
- Mission Accomplished: Complete the mission while making sure the Great Fox takes no damage from Chitori Drones.
- Destroy all three Copperhead missiles before they reach the teleporter.
- If any of the missiles reaches the teleporter, the mission will fail.
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 120 Hits
- #2 U-Turn and exit the Great Fox through the other side
- #3 Collect 3 Badges
- #4 Fly Through the Asteroid Ring
- #5 Mission Accomplished
Phase 1: Find the Massive Weapon[]
Boss: Leon
Phase 2: The Strider Den[]
Boss: Mother Strider
- Mission Accomplished: Defeat all the Strider Drones.
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 120 Hits
- #2 Pass through 3 gold medal rings dropped by the golden Strider Drones
- #3 Defeat Leon
- #4 Render the Mother Strider legless
- #5 Mission Accomplished
Medals - 1
- #1 Defeat Wolf in 1:40.00
Phase 1: Follow the Giant Shadow[]
Alternate Path: After clearing all main missions and replaying the stage, Wolf will appear partway through the phase. Locking onto him with Target View will immediately end Phase 1 and trigger the start of the extra stage Hunter: Lone Wolf.
Phase 2: The Monarch Decends[]
Boss: Monarch Dodora
- Mission Accomplished: Destroy all the giant caterpillars, fly traps, and hidden Dodora Eggs.
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 200 Hits
- #2 Pass through 3 gold medal rings
- #3 Let the third Salamander loop around a vine
- #4 Score a Hit on the Boss near the end of Phase 1
- #5 Mission Accomplished
Phase 1: Defeat Wolf (Time Limit: 5 Minutes)[]
Boss: Star Wolf team's Wolfen & Hunter (Wolf O'Donnell)
Phase 1: Shortcut to Venom[]
The Arwing will be moving at its maximum speed for the duration of this phase, greatly limiting the effectiveness of the brakes and making it very difficult to avoid incoming obstacles.
Phase 2:[]
Boss: Attack Carrier
- Mission Accomplished: Complete Phase 1 without taking any damage.
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 220 Hits
- #2 Collected from inside an Asteroid Ring on the ascent in Phase 1
- #3 Collected from inside the helix in Phase 1
- #4 Collect 3 Gold Medal Rings
- #5 Mission Accomplished
Phase 1: Androssian Invasion[]
Phase 2: The Tower's Secret[]
Phase 3: The Gigarilla Returns[]
Boss: Gigarilla
- Mission Accomplished: Destroy the weak points on the Gigarilla's chest and hands before defeating it.
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 370 Hits
- #2 Collect 3 Gold Medal Rings
- #3 Destroy 30 Enemies in Phase 2
- #4 Collected from a destroyed building during Boss: Gigarilla
- #5 Mission Accomplished
Phase 1: Get to Andross[]
Boss: Star Wolf team's Wolfen & Hunter (Wolf, Pigma, Leon and Andrew)
Phase 2: Corridor of Illusion[]
Follow James McCloud's Arwing. Failure to go on the right path will make Fox arrive back at the start of the Corridor and force him to fly through it again.
Phase 3: The Final Battle[]
Boss: Andross
- Mission Accomplished: Score one last hit on Andross during the escape when he turns around.
Medals - 5
- #1 Score 170 Hits
- #2 Pass through the Corridor of Illusion without James's help
- #3 Defeat a Star Wolf pilot in a trench
- #4 Collect 3 Gold Medal Rings
- #5 Mission Accomplished
Training Mission: Arwing[]
- Unlock: 0 Medals
Training Mission: Walker[]
- Unlock: After Completing the Arwing Training. Medals:
- Time Limit: 5 Minutes
Training: Collect the Rings[]
Training: Collect the Training Tokens[]
- Objective: Collect 100 Tokens
Training Mission: Gyrowing[]
- Unlock: After Completing the Walker Training. Medals:
- Time Limit: 5 Minutes
Training: Collect the Rings[]
Training: Collect the Training Tokens[]
- Objective: Collect 50 Tokens
Training Mission: Landmaster[]
- Unlock: After Completing the Gyrowing Training. Medals:
- Time Limit: 5 Minutes
Training: Collect the Rings[]
Training: Collect the Training Tokens[]
- Objective: Collect 50 Tokens
Training Mission: Roadmaster Extra Mission 1[]
- Unlock: Complete the Main Game
- Time Limit: 5 Minutes
Training: Collect the Training Tokens[]
- Objective: Collect 100 Tokens
Training Mission: Walker Challenge Mission[]
- Unlock: ?? Medals:
- Time Limit: 5 Minutes
Training: Defend the Tower![]
- Objective: Defeat 50 Enemies
- The mission fails if a Strider reaches the top of the tower.
Training Mission: Gyrowing Challenge Mission[]
- Unlock: ?? Medals:
- Time Limit: 5 Minutes
Training: Defeat All Enemies[]
- Objective: Defeat 50 Enemies
Training Mission: Landmaster Challenge Mission[]
- Unlock: ?? Medals:
- Time Limit: 5 Minutes
Training: Defeat All Enemies[]
- Objective: Defeat 50 Enemies
Training Mission: Roadmaster Extra Mission 2[]
- Unlock: 50 Medals:
- Time Limit: 2 minutes
Training: Get to the Goal[]
- Objective: Reach the goal in 1:00.00