General Pepper Assault Ending
General Pepper here. This page is an archive. Do not edit the contents of this page. Direct any additional comments to the current page. Pepper out.

The complete list of in-game script and quotes of Star Fox 64. For the new and altered quotes featured in the 3DS release, see Star Fox 64 3D/Script. Quotes that are exclusive or mandatory to a mission are listed, while common quotes that are often repeated are listed under Misc. quotes. Cutscenes and continued conversations made by characters are headed by bullet points.

Priority one

Character Script
97 ROB
Message from General Pepper. Priority one!
97 Pepper
We need your help, Star Fox! Andross has declared war! He's invaded the Lylat system and is trying to take over Corneria! Our army alone can't do the job! Hurry, Star Fox!

Opening narration

Image Narration
N64 Corneria 4th Planet
Corneria, fourth planet of the Lylat system. The evil Andross turned this once thriving system into a wasteland of near extinction.
N64 Andross banished
General Pepper of the Cornerian army was successful in exiling this maniacal scientist to the barren, deserted planet Venom.
N64 James Team
Five years later, General Pepper noticed strange activity coming from Venom. James McCloud, Pigma Dengar, and Peppy Hare of the Star Fox team were sent to investigate.
N64 James Peppy captured
Upon their arrival, Pigma betrayed the team and James and Peppy were captured by Andross.
N64 Peppy flees
Peppy barely escaped Venom and returned home to tell James’ son Fox about his father's fate.
N64 Andross returns
A few years have passed. Andross has again invaded the Lylat system.
N64 New Team
General Pepper has turned to a new Star Fox team headed by Fox McCloud to save Corneria and free the Lylat system once again.

SF64 Corneria Intro

Corneria's Intro.

Corneria: Former Army Base; Enter Star Fox

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
It's about time you showed up Fox. You're the only hope for our world.
97 Fox Bridge
I'll do my best! Andross won't have his way with me.


Character Script
97 Fox
Open the wings.
Check your G-Diffuser system.
97 Falco
Falco here. I'm fine.
97 Peppy
This is Peppy. All systems go.
97 Slippy
Slippy here, I'm ok.
97 Fox
I see em’ up ahead. Let's rock and roll!

Mission begins

Character Script Action
97 Peppy
Slippy, get back here!
Slippy, watch out! Bogey on your tail!
Level entry.
97 Slippy
Whoa! Help me!
  • Thanks Fox. I thought they had me. / (retire)
97 Fox
We’re entering Corneria City now. Enter canyon
97 Falco
This is horrible... Enter Corneria City
97 Peppy
Everybody stay alert! Enter Corneria City
97 Peppy
You've got an enemy on your tail!
Use the brake! (C down)
Approach checkpoint


Character Script Action
97 Falco
I'll get this one. Get the one behind me!
Something's wrong with the G-Diffuser.
97 Peppy
Use the boost to chase! (C<) Approach Cornerian Radar Sites
97 Falco
I could use some help here Fox!
  • I guess I should be thankful. / (retire)
97 Peppy
Do a barrel roll! (Z or R) Approach Corneria Sea

Mission Complete Route

Character Script Action
97 Peppy
Try a somersault! (C<, C stick up) Pass waterfall
97 Slippy
Enemy robot, dead ahead. Approach pick-ups stack-up
97 Falco
Let's go! Approach All-Range
97 Fox
All-Range mode! Enter All-Range Mode
97 Granga
Ah, so this is Star Fox?
I'm going to crush you!
Enter boss battle
97 Slippy
Enemy shield analyzed! Bossometer uploaded
97 Granga
Those who cross Andross will die! Launching Missiles
97 Peppy
Aim for his back!
  • Try a U-Turn!
Flying away from Granga's Mech
  • Approach Radar edge
97 Granga
Stop moving so I can squash you!
  • I will not be defeated by this worm!
  • You are starting to annoy me!
  • You annoying little flies!
  • No!!!
  • My emperor... I've failed you!
Evade Granga's Mech
  • Battle continues
  • Battle continues
  • Battle continues
  • Granga's backpack is hit
  • Granga's Mech is downed

Mission Accomplished Route

Character Script Action
97 Falco
Pretty smooth flying Fox.
  • Follow me Fox!
Fly under first four stone arches
  • Fly under all stone arches
97 Fox
Falco, where you going? Fly under all seven stone arches
97 Falco
I found the target! Try to keep up.
  • Time for a little payback.
    • Gotcha! / Back off, Fox!
Fly through waterfall
  • Tailing enemies
    • K'O target / K'O his target
97 Attacker
Ah, someone wants to play. Fly towards sea
97 Peppy
Incoming enemy from the rear! Drop altitude. Attack Carrier approaches
97 Slippy
Enemy shield analyzed. Bossometer uploaded
97 Attacker
Deploy all units! Charge!
  • I’ve got a present for ya!
Launching Granga Fighters
  • Firing missiles
97 Falco
That's it, Fox! K'O one side
97 Peppy
Aim for the open spot. Advice
97 Falco
YEAH! It's working! K'O both sides
97 Attacker
Go!! Boss faces forward

Boss downed

Character Script
97 Attacker
Who are you guys!?
97 Fox
We’re Star Fox.
97 Attacker
You'll never defeat Andross!

Mission Complete/Accomplished

Character Script
97 Fox
We’re heading out! All aircraft report.
97 Slippy
You did it! I was worried for a moment.
97 Peppy
You're becoming more like your father.
97 Falco
I'm fine. You okay over there Fox?

SF64 Meteo Intro

Meteo's Intro.

Meteo: Asteroid Field; Into the Asteroid Field

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
Impressive Star Fox. Now watch out for enemies in the asteroid field!
97 Fox Bridge
I won't let you down, sir!

Heading into the asteroids

Character Script
97 Slippy
Things are starting to heat up!
97 Peppy
Quit dinkin’ around, Slip!
97 Fox
We’re heading into the asteroids!

Mission begins

Character Script Action
97 Peppy
Don't mess up that Arwing!
  • It's quiet. Too quiet.
  • Be careful! It's a trap!
  • Use bombs wisely! (B)
  • Try a somersault!
Level entry
  • Approach asteroids
  • Butterfly Fighters appear
  • Butterflies retreat
  • Approach pickups stack-up
97 Slippy
Here comes a big one.
Whoa! Can you make it?
Largest asteroids appear
97 Peppy
Use the brake! (C down)
Use the boost to get through! (C<)
Largest asteroids appear
SF64 24 CButton
C>>> Flip Bots appear
97 Peppy
Incoming message from ROB 64! C>>> Appears
97 Falco
97 Slippy
97 Peppy
Watch out Fox! (Depends on previous Mission performance) Rock Gunners tailing
97 Peppy
They're on me! I'm getting careless.
  • Thanks Fox! / "Retire"
  • The enemy is coming from behind!
  • Do a barrel roll! (Z or R)
  • Rescue
  • Tailing enemies approach
  • Enter tunnel asteroid
97 Falco
I guess it's your turn to be thankful. Exit tunnel asteroid
97 Slippy
You want a piece of me?
  • Take that! / (Painful scream)
Flip Bots tail Slippy
97 Slippy
Hold A to charge your laser! Near Warp Rings
97 Peppy
You can also lock onto enemies this way! Approach Butterfly Fighter clusters
97 Peppy
Never give up! Trust your instincts! Successfully fly through the first few rings

Mission Complete Route

Character Script Action
97 Peppy
Just shoot it, Fox! Passing Laser Asteroids
97 Crusher
I cannot allow you to go any further. Meteo Crusher Approaches
97 Slippy
Enemy shield analyzed! Bossometer uploaded
97 Crusher
Let's see what you've got. Energy reflector startup
97 Peppy
That shields absorbing the laser! Crusher absorbs lasers
97 Crusher
You're more cunning than I thought.
  • I‘ve underestimated you.
  • How about this?
Take out power cores
  • Crusher drops barricade
  • Energy stream startup
97 Crusher
I'm no match for you.
  • I admit defeat...
Shield Gauge emptied
97 Falco
Are you gonna listen to that monkey? Crusher turns over (Only if Falco is active)
97 Crusher
Haha, you're not as stupid as you look! Crusher turns over (Only if Falco is active)
97 Crusher
If this does not work...! Crusher turns over (Only Falco isn't active)
97 Crusher
I can't believe I lost to this scum! Crusher downed
97 Fox
Sorry to jet, but I'm in a hurry! Boss downed

Mission Complete

Character Script
97 Fox
All aircraft report!
97 Slippy
"Shield status"
97 Peppy
"Shield status"
97 Falco
"Shield status"

SF64 SectorY Intro

Sector Y's Intro.

Sector Y: Combat Zone; Fierce Melee

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
Fox, we’re under attack! Help us out here!
97 Fox Bridge
I'm on my way!

Level begins

Character Script Action
97 Fox
Let's back up the squadron. Level entry.
97 Falco
Somebody's going to pay for all this. Immediately after Fox
97 Peppy
Don't let any of em’ through! Immediately after Falco
97 Slippy
Something's wrong. I don't see anything! Immediately after Peppy
97 ROB
SF64 24 CButton
  • Good Luck Fox.
Expert Mode only
97 Peppy
Surprise attack coming from above!
Hold ‘em They’re trying to get through!
Grazan carriers appear
97 Peppy
Good job! Keep up the pace! Score over 30 Hits
97 Falco
Fox, you're supposed to shoot them all! Score under 30 Hits
97 Peppy
The enemy’s coming from behind! Tailing Triangles
97 Falco
I’ve got everything above. Take lower route
97 Peppy
I’ll take care of everything below. Take upper route
97 Peppy
He’s quick! Be careful! Shogun troopers appear
97 Slippy
Ah Ha! Thought you could hide from me eh?
Escaping? I don’t think so!
  • Hey! Leave me alone.
Slippy tails hidden Triangles
  • Mayday
97 Falco
Take ‘em down with one shot! Triangle formations appear
97 Fox
We're going to break through that fleet! Approach last line
97 Peppy
You’re becoming a better pilot. Score over 65 Hits
97 Falco
Is that the best you can do?? Score under 65 Hits
97 ROB
SF64 24 CButton
Supply Container
97 Slippy
Something’s up ahead. Looks different. Reach fleet end
97 Fox
All-range mode! Enter All-Range
97 Slippy
Enemy shield analyzed!
  • Slippy’s hit!
  • These guys are tough!
Bossometer uploaded
  • Hit
  • Shoguns evade
97 Falco
Geez! Quit movin’ around!
  • Shoot! I've taken damage!
Shoguns evade
  • Hit
97 Peppy
Good job. Keep up the good work.
  • Watch the radar carefully, Fox!
  • Dang! I'm hit!
Down one Shogun
  • Shoguns evade
  • Hit
97 Shogun
Don't party just yet.
It's time to try our new weapon.
Shogun arrives
97 Shogun
I'm coming for ya!
  • What's wrong? Is that it?
  • I'll take you guys out from the ship!
  • Cocky little freaks! (when attacked)
  • Aaaaahhhhh!!!!
  • Idle
  • Landing
  • Hit
  • Downed

Mission Accomplished/Complete

Character Accomplished (over 100 Hits) Complete (Under 100 Hits)
97 Fox
We’re headin’ for Aquas. Report in. All aircraft report!
97 Slippy
There you go! "Shield status"
97 Peppy
Your skills have improved, Fox! "Shield status"
97 Falco
I guess you're good for something. "Shield status"

SF64 Fortuna Intro

Fortuna's Intro (Fichina).

Fortuna: Former Defense Post; Enter Star Wolf

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
Recover our base from the enemy army!
97 Fox Bridge
Roger, General!

Level begins

Character Script
97 Fox
Split up and take it to ‘em!
SF64 Fortuna Wolf CLYDTSF


The only dialogue is All Range Mode dialogue, which is randomly stated.

Star Wolf Arrives

Character Script
97 Slippy
Why are ships coming out of the base?
97 ROB
A bomb has been planted at the base.
97 Fox
Geez! Can anyone take care of it?
97 Wolf
Can’t let you do that Star Fox!
97 Leon
Andross has ordered us to take you down.
97 Pigma
Peppy! Longtime no see!
  • Heh Heh, we're getting pay alotta cash for this! "(If Peppy's retired)"
97 Andrew
Andross’ enemy is my enemy.
97 Fox
Just what I need to see. Star Wolf.
Let's take care of these guys first!

Mission Accomplished route

Character Script
97 Fox
I'll take care of the bomb now!
All aircraft report!
97 Slippy
Hey we made it!
97 Peppy
Fox, take it easy!
97 Falco
That was a close call, Fox!

Mission Complete route

Character Script
97 ROB
Danger, one minute till explosion!
97 Fox
Let's take care of these guys first!
97 ROB
30 seconds to explosion.
  • 15 seconds to explosion
  • Bomb exploding. Keep clear.
97 Wolf
Looks like we win today Fox.
97 Leon
Close...but no cigar. Hahaha!
97 Pigma
I've got two words for ya! LO-SER!
97 Andrew
Score one for Andross!
97 Fox
Emergency maneuvers! Get out of there!
97 Fox
All aircraft report!
97 Slippy
They almost got us.
97 Peppy
I'm not too crazy about those guys.
97 Falco
So that's Star Wolf...

SF64 Katina Intro

Katina's Intro.

Katina: Frontline Base; Reunion

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
Katina is battling the enemy. Will you help them out?
97 Fox Bridge
Affirmative general!

Help's on the way

Character Script
97 Bill
Hang on guys, help is on the way!

Level begins

Character Script
97 Bill
Fox! You made it!
97 Fox
Bill?! Is that you? I can't believe it!
97 Bill
We can catch up later, Fox.
97 Slippy
Hard to tell the good guys, from the bad!


The only dialogue is All Range Mode dialogue, which is randomly stated.

Saucerer arrives

Character Script Action
97 Bill
You've become quite a pilot. Earn 10 Hits without damaging any Cornerian Air Forces
97 Bill
Enemy mothership approaching! Saucerer arrives after 10 Hits
97 Falco
  • Here they come!
  • Man, there's just no end to these guys!
Saucerer deploys fighters
97 Bill
Go for the four hatches on the underside! Immediately after cutscene
97 Bill
The hatches are open. Hatches open
97 Bill
There's some sort of energy reaction.
The core has appeared, stand by to attack!
Countdown starts
97 Bill
  • Hurry up, take out that core!
  • There's not much time left! Hurry!
  • Yeehaw! You did it!
  • 30 secs
  • 12 secs
  • Boss down

Mission Complete

Character Script
97 Bill
Fox, get out of here now!
97 Fox
All aircraft, break away...
97 Peppy
Don't get so down, Fox.

Mission Accomplished

Character Accomplished (damage no allies) Accomplished (lost allies)
97 Bill
I'm glad we're on the same team, Fox! Take care Fox!
97 Fox
You owe me one! You too Bill...

SF64 Aquas Intro

Aquas's Intro.

Aquas Ocean: Terror of the Deep

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
Star Fox, I want you to take out the enemy bioweapon!
97 Fox Bridge
Yes sir! Deploy the Blue-Marine!

Level begins

Character Script Action
97 Fox
I'm going to check out the bio-weapon.
I'm sending the data to you guys.
Level entry
97 Falco
Shoot a torpedo to help you see. Enemies appear from darkness
97 Peppy
Looks like the pollution has started. Enemies appear frequently
97 Slippy
It's awful! Immediately after Peppy
97 Slippy
Wow! Look at that! It's beautiful! Enter ruins
97 Slippy
How's the Blue-Marine Fox? Halfway through ruins
97 Peppy
It's a good thing you prepared Slip. Immediately after Slippy
97 Falco
This thing will never hold together! Immediately after Peppy
97 Slippy
Whoa! Watch out! Enemy swarms appear
97 Peppy
Do a barrel roll! Enemy swarms open fire
97 Slippy
Look out behind you! Angler Fish tails Fox
97 Slippy
Keep shooting. We’ve got lots of torpedoes. Near trench
97 Peppy
You're the best Slippy! Immediately after Slippy
97 Slippy
Thanks, Peppy! Immediately after Peppy
97 Falco
This thing will never hold together! Immediately after Slippy
97 Peppy
I’ve got a BAD feeling about this Fox. Entering trench
97 Slippy
Watch out, Fox! Boulders fall
97 Fox
I’ve found the bio-weapon. End of route

Bacoon arrives

Character Script Action
97 Slippy
Enemy shield analyzed! Bossometer uploaded
97 Peppy
Aim for the two columns! Advice
97 Falco
That's it Fox! Hit tendons continually
97 Slippy
Fire a homing torpedo! Bacoon exposes tendons
97 Peppy
Go for the eyes! Eye exposed
97 Slippy
Yeah! yeah! Whittle down boss health
97 Slippy
Yipeee! You did it! Boss down

Mission Accomplished

Character Script
97 Fox
We’re preparing to dock.
Thanks, Slip. Blue-marine came through.
97 Peppy
Slippy's not such a screw up after all.
97 Slippy
Thanks, a lot Peppy!
97 Falco
I'll take the sky any day.
97 Slippy
Sheesh! Falco. You too?

Sector X: Combat Zone; Mystery of the Space Base

SF64 SectorX Intro

Sector X's Intro.

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
Reports indicate that Andross is working on some secret weapon.
97 Fox Bridge
I'll check it out.

Level begins

Character Script Action
97 Fox
Let's take out that weapon boys. Level entry
97 Falco
Let's have a little fun! Vipers appear
97 Peppy
Stay alert!
He's quick! Be careful.
Borzois appear
97 Falco
Enemy groups behind us. Man they're fast! Swarms appear near minefield
97 Peppy
We’re getting close to the base! Enter debris
97 Falco
Somebody beat us here. It's all gone!
What the heck is that?!
Entering the Space Base and seeing Spyborg's arm
97 Peppy
They're on me! I'm getting careless!
  • Thanks, Fox!

Left Route (Warp)

Character Script Action
97 Falco
I can't wait to see this secret weapon!
I found a gate! Looks like a warp.
Taking Left Route
97 Bill
I'm gonna open the gate. Back me up! If Flight Route included Katina
97 Fox
Bill! You're okay!
97 Bill
Of course! I'm here to help.
SF64 24 CButton
C>>> Supply Container
97 Falco
Something's not right here!
Who took this base out?
  • Yeah! Just one more.
  • Hurry up or you're toast!
Passing debris
  • Fly through first two Warp gates
  • Inside collapsing section
97 Bill
Take it easy Fox. Don't let us down. End of Warp Route

Right Route (Outer base)

Character Script Action
97 Peppy
I'll attack from the outside. Take Right Route
97 Slippy
Interceptor system dead ahead. Defensives active
97 Peppy
Where is the secret weapon? Fighters appear
SF64 24 CButton
C>>> Supply Container
97 Peppy
I'm going ahead. Back me up Fox! Mayday

Spyborg arrives

Character Script Action
97 Falco
What the heck? Fox, look behind you! End of Route
97 Fox
So this is the secret weapon. Spyborg arrives
97 Spyborg
Destroy! Destroy! Boss startup
97 Slippy
Enemy shield analyzed! Bossometer uploaded
97 Spyborg
I will terminate all enemies.
  • You are an enemy.
  • Where is the creator?!
97 Fox
What's he saying? After Spyborg's rambles
97 Slippy
Yippee! You did it! Spyborg loses helmet

Spyborg phase 2

Character Script Action
97 Fox
Huh? What? Phase 2 starts
97 Spyborg
The view is clear.
Destroy. Destroy.
Spyborg reactivates
97 Falco
Destroy what? He's crazy! Answering Spyborg's rambles
97 Slippy
Let me handle this! If 10 secs pass
97 Peppy
Slippy, get back here! Slippy appears
97 Slippy
Fox!!! If Spyborg lands a hit on Slippy
97 Fox
Slippy!!! Slippy spins off towards Titania
97 Spyborg
Destroy. Destroy.
  • Where is the enemy?
Boss battle resumes
97 Spyborg
I must be complete. Boss down

Mission Complete

Character Script
97 Fox
ROB, can you confirm Slippy's location?
97 ROB
Distress signal coming from Titania.
97 Peppy
Looks like he's on Titania.
97 Falco
Slippy can be such a headache.
Note: Common status dialogue plays during a "Mission Accomplished".

SF64 Solar Intro

Solar's Intro.

Solar; Out of the Frying Pan…

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
That area's an oven. Don't go burning that Arwing. Be reasonable Fox!
97 Fox Bridge
I'll be careful.

Solar's surface

  • Fox: Keep an eye on your shield gauge!

Level begins

Falco: The Arwing might not make it...

Slippy: This baby can take temperatures up to 9,000 degrees!

Peppy: Don't fly too low! Your ship can't take it!

  • Shoot the rocks!

Bill: Looks like you could use some help Fox.

Fox: Bill!

Bill: Don't get too excited. Here we go!

  • Watch yourself Fox.

Peppy: They're attacking in groups!

C>>> 1

Falco: I ain’t your buddy! Go away! (when chased by a Gores)

  • Good riddance. I almost got burned!

Slippy: It's too hot! I can't take it anymore!

C>>> 1

Vulcain arrives

Peppy: THIS is the enemy bio-weapon!?

Falco: Andross is an insane fool!

Slippy: Data analysis complete! Here it comes!

Peppy: Maybe it's an arm. Aim for the arm!

Falco: Here they come!

Slippy: Yippee! You did it! (After Vulcain is defeated)

Mission Accomplished

  • Fox: All aircraft report!
  • Slippy: I'm having some trouble here.
  • Peppy: I've taken a few hits, but I'm ok.
  • Falco: You worry about your own hide!

SF64 Zoness Intro

Zoness's Intro.

Zoness; Toxic Waste Area: Invasion Aftermath

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
There's an enemy base there!?
97 Fox Bridge
Affirmative, general!

Level begins

Fox: Let's sneak in low and surprise them.

Peppy: THIS is Zoness?

Falco: I can't belive they did this...

Slippy: What a dump!

Falco: I hear ya, Slippy.

Slippy: Watch out for the search light!

Falco: Let's take ‘em all out!

Slippy: Fox, get this guy off me!

  • This is really starting to tick me off! / Hoo! That was too close!

Peppy: Follow your father’s example, Fox!

Katt: We’re closing in on them, Falco!

  • Take the right lane boy, I'm on the left.

Falco: Katt?! What are you doing here?

Katt: Is that any way to greet a girl?

Slippy: Whoa! Watch out!

Katt: I’ve got somebody on my tail!

  • Beautiful! I could kiss you for that. / Mess with me, and you'll get scratched!

Peppy: Aim for the ruder, Fox!

C>>> 1

Peppy: You’ve got an enemy on your tail!

Slippy: Here I go!

Falco: Enemy fighters spotted! Take them down!

Katt: Make way for Katt!

Falco: These guys don’t quit!

  • Back off, Fox!
  • Looks like we’ve got company!
  • That was a close call, Fox!
  • Jeez Laweez! What is that?!

Peppy: Be careful it might be a trap!

Slippy: Something's coming from the sea!

Sarumarine arrives

SF64 Sarumarine01

Sarumarine Captain: Disrespectful little welps!

  • I’ll teach ye some respect!

Slippy: Enemy shield analyzed!

Sarumarine Captain: Adjust 10 degrees right. Fire!

  • Pressure, angle ok. Fire torpedo!
  • I can't see anything. Fire anyway! (if the periscope is destroyed)
  • Prepare to surface!
  • All sections ready, engage!
  • Ar ha ha ha harr!

Peppy: Destroy the two exhaust pipes!

  • His armor's tough. Use bombs wisely!

Sarumarine Captain : Aaarh. Drop the crane now! (when a port is destroyed during Phase 2)

Peppy: Quick, destroy the crane!

Sarumarine Captain: Oh SHOOT! (when the crane is destroyed)

  • Fire! Fire! (Phase 3 start)
  • Aaaarrggghhh!!! (upon defeat)

Mission Accomplished / Complete

  • Fox: All aircraft report
  • Slippy: I'm fine! I'm fine! / I’m havin’ some trouble here!
  • Peppy: Everythings A-OK! (Mission Accomplished) / Look's like we're heading for Macbeth! (Mission Complete)
  • Falco: Katt, where'd you go?

Titania: Arid Desert; The Search for Slippy

SF64 Titania Intro

Titania's Intro.

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
What are you doing? It's too dangerous there!
97 Fox Bridge
I can't leave Slippy hangin’!.

Level begins

  • Fox: Deploy the Landmaster!
  • Give me Slippy's location, ROB.

ROB: Life form indicated at 12 o’clock.

Peppy: There's rocky terrain dead ahead.

Falco: A magnetic storm! We'll search here.

Peppy: Use bombs wisely!

Falco: I think you look better in tank.

Fox: Why don't you come down here Falco?

Falco: I'll pass, Fox.

  • He can sure be a pain in the neck.

Peppy: Don't go too fast, Falco!

Falco: Enemy fighters comin’ at you Fox.

Peppy: Try hovering!

  • To barrel roll, press Z or R twice!
  • Are you okay?
  • Use the boost to get through!
  • Try hovering!
  • Use bombs wisely!
  • Lock on the enemies!

Falco: These guys just keep coming!

Peppy: Incoming!

  • Don't be dead Slip.

ROB: Location confirmed. Sending supplies.

Falco: Shoot! He's right behind me!

  • I guess you're good for something!

Peppy: You okay? Hold together, just a bit further.

Slippy: Aahh! I'm hit!

Fox: Is that you Slippy?

Falco: I'll be there soon.

Fox: Slippy!

Slippy: I knew you would come help me!

The Goras Appears

If the player takes too long to shoot the arms upon initial reveal:

  • Do something!

When the player takes out all his arms in the first phase:

  • Fox!

Falco: Let me get a piece of that action Fox! (Phase 2 start)

Peppy: Take out his arms Fox!

Falco: Slippy, what are you doin! Hurry up!

Slippy: It's impossible this way!

Falco: Pipe down Slippy,Just hold on!

Slippy: I made it! I'll analyze right away! (Phase 3 start)

  • Data analysis complete. Here it comes.

Peppy: Go for the chest!

Mission Accomplished

  • Fox: All aircraft report.
  • Slippy: I thought I was a goner!
  • Falco: We’re always savin’ your hide, Slip.
  • Peppy: I'm sure he's learned his lesson.
  • Fox: When we get back, we'll head to Venom!

SF64 Macbeth Intro

Macbeth's Intro.

Macbeth: Venom Army Supply Base; The Forever Train

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
So you're going to attack the enemy base!? Great idea Fox!
97 Fox Bridge
It'll be a piece of cake General.

Level begins

Fox: I spot the train. I'm taking it out!

Engineer: Here come the little hyenas, now!

  • Here you go!
  • They're not taking me seriously.

Falco: Here they come!

If the first few cars from the back are still intact:

Engineer: Take THIS!

Peppy: Just shoot it Fox!

Katt: Starting without me? Boys I'm crushed.

Falco: Katt!! Not you again!

Katt: Is that anyway to greet a girl?

Slippy: Incoming!

Engineer: Take THIS!

Slippy: How's the Landmaster Fox?

Peppy: Try hovering!

Engineer: Dang! Detach the rear vehicle!

Peppy: Don't let them get to the supply depot!

Falco: Shoot! He's right behind me!

  • I guess I should be thankful.

Engineer: What's wrong? Come a little closer!

Peppy: Try hovering!

Falco: I see the fuel bunker on the right side!

Peppy: Change the switch ahead!

  • Shoot the eight switches to open the lock!

Katt: Make way for Katt!

  • I've got the left. You take the right, hon.

C>>> 1

Engineer: I didn't expect to have to use this.

  • You're very lucky.
  • I'll lure these guys to the front.

Slippy: Enemy shield analyzed.

Falco: I'm here to rescue you.

Missing the switches

Engineer: Step on the gas!

Peppy: Well at least we can take this boss out.

Engineer: Heh heh heh... What's wrong?

  • Try, this!

Falco: Hey! I’ve got my hands full up here!

  • Gee! I've been saved by Fox, how swell!
  • Forever Train Engineer: You're too slow! It's time to end this! (if the player takes too long)

Engineer: No! Get away! (defeated)

  • Gwaa!!!

Route by Hitting Switches

Peppy: OK, now shoot the switcher!

Engineer: Step on the gas.

Peppy: Good goin’ Fox.

Engineer: NO! hit the brakes!

  • I can't stop IT!

Mission Accomplished

  • Fox: All aircraft report.
  • Slippy: I can see the look on their stupid faces.
  • Peppy: I'm sure we hurt ‘em this time.
  • Katt: You're pretty good tiger. see ya again!
  • Falco: Now it's our turn to kick some tail.
Common status dialogue plays during Mission Complete.

SF64 SectorZ Intro

Sector Z's Intro.

Sector Z: Combat Zone; The Ambush of Great Fox

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
The enemy army is gunning for you, be careful.
97 Fox Bridge
Don't worry, sir.

Enemy approaching

  • ROB: Enemy approaching from the left!
  • Fox: We'll gladly take this one.

Level begins

Falco: Nice welcome!

Missiles arrive

ROB: Six missiles coming from the left!

  • Missile one is heading for Great Fox!

Fox: Here it comes!

ROB: Missile approaching. Distance 50. (If a Missile is within 25 seconds of hitting the Great Fox.)

If the player lets the missiles go close to the Great Fox, eventually:

ROB: Missile approaching. Distance 20. (If a Missile is within 10 seconds of hitting the Great Fox.)

ROB: Distance 10. Unable to evade. (If a Missile is within 5 seconds of hitting the Great Fox.)

ROB: Missiles 2 and 3 approaching! (Phase 1 start)

Slippy: / Falco: I'm heading for the missile now! Peppy: I'm going for the missile!

Katt: Are you going to hog all the fun?

Falco: Katt?! Can't you go bother someone else?

Katt: Let me help you out.

ROB: Missile 4, 5, and 6 approaching!

Katt: Make way for Katt!

Peppy: One missile destroyed!

Falco: One missile down!

Slippy: Scratch one missile!

Falco: / Peppy: / Slippy: I got the last one!

Katt: Beautiful! I could kiss you for that! / I took care of a missile for ya!

Katt: You owe me, Falco.

  • You're on your own. Good luck little man.

Mission Failure:

  • Too bad, little man!

Mission Accomplished / Complete

  • Fox: ROB, is everything ok?
  • ROB: Great Fox is OK. / Damage to rear left section of the ship!
  • Falco: THAT was a close call. / Dang, NOW they've done it!
  • Peppy: We’ve got the bad guys on the run! / It could be difficult to attack Venom.
  • Slippy: Don't worry. Slippy's here! / Doggone it!

Bolse Defense Outpost: The Last Hurrah

SF64 Bolse Intro

Bolse's Intro.

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
If you destroy the satellite we can go straight for Venom! Be careful Fox.
97 Fox Bridge
I'm on it!

Level begins

Character Script Action
97 Fox
Ok guys, destroy all barriers! Cutscene
97 Peppy
Aim for the six energy towers! Mission start
97 Falco
I'll cover you, Fox! After Peppy
97 Slippy
Those ships are shielded too! Tailing enemies
97 Falco
You are not taking him down today! Tailing enemies
97 Slippy
They don't give up. Energy towers still active
97 Peppy
Whats taking so long Fox? Energy towers active
97 Fox
Hey! The force field is disappearing! All towers destroyed
97 Falco
Looks like we’ve got company. Enemies appear
97 Peppy
Good, I see the enemy core! Energy core appears
97 Peppy
Destroy the satellite's core! Boss battle continues

'Note: The Star Wolf dialogue only plays if their appearance is triggered under gaming circumstances

Star Wolf arrives

Character Script Action
97 Wolf
Playtime is over, Star Fox! Entry
97 Leon
I think I'll torture you for a while! Entry
97 Pigma
Daddy screamed REAL good before he DIED! Entry
97 Andrew
You'll be sorry you crossed us! Entry
97 Fox
Star Wolf again? Why now? If the Route included Fortuna

'Note: The only dialogue until the Mission ends is All Range Mode dialogue, which is randomly stated.

Mission Accomplished

Character Script
97 Fox
Venom here we come.

Area 6; Defense Station: Through the Middle

SF64 Area6 Intro

Area 6's Intro.

Character Script
97 Pepper Live
It's almost over! We’re in your debt. Come back in one piece Fox!
97 Fox Bridge
Will do, General!

No problems

Character Script
97 Caiman
Caiman here, no problems.
Do you copy? Emergency maneuvers!
97 Falco
Too late! Game over pal!

Level begins

Character Script Action
97 Fox
Entering Venom air defense zone! Level entry
97 Peppy
Everybody stay alert! Enemies appear
97 Slippy
Space mines ahead! Enter minefield
97 Falco
Bogey behind me! Am I gettin’ slow?
  • Let's clean up this mess!
  • Time for a little payback!
    Hold still and let me shoot you!
  • I guess you're good for something! / Gotcha!
  • Enter Umbra wave
  • Tailing enemy
  • K'O his target / K'Os target
97 ROB
Great Fox backup
SF64 24 CButton
97 Slippy
Incoming enemy missile! Ninjin Missiles appear
97 Peppy
Shoot em’ down we’re being marked! Immediately after Slippy
97 Slippy
97 Falco
97 Peppy
Ahhhhh! If any missiles explode, depending who is active
97 Commander
Did we get em’? After missiles
97 Caiman
Not yet sir! If no damage is made from missiles
97 Peppy
They're on me! I'm getting careless!
What's taking you so long Fox? / Thanks, Fox!
Chase continues
97 Andross
Ah, the son of James McCloud!
Those tin cans are no match for me.
  • I'm looking forward to this. / Ha ha ha, you can never defeat me!
    I'll make those fools pay!
SF64 24 CButton
  • Less than 99 Hits / Over 100 Hits
97 Caiman
They've broken through the first line! After first checkpoint
97 Fox
We’re gonna break through that fleet. Zerams appear
97 Caiman
They're through the second line! Pass Zerams
97 ROB
Great Fox backup
SF64 24 CButton
97 Commander
Fire! Fire! Don't let them through! Midst Zerams and Harlock
97 Slippy
Venom's right there!
  • Hoo! That was too close!
  • Rescue
97 ROB
Supply Container
SF64 24 CButton
97 Caiman
The last line has been breached! Last two Zerams
97 Commander
These guys are crazy!
Dang deploy it now!
End of route
97 Slippy
Enemy ahead! This ones different... Gorgon appears
97 Falco
Crud! We were so close to Venom!
  • Yeah! It's working
Gorgon appears
  • Phase 2 starts
97 Slippy
Enemy shield analyzed!
  • Yeah, Yeah!
Bossometer uploaded
  • Phase 3 start
97 Peppy
Shoot the tentacles to open the core! Advice
97 Falco
Watch out, Fox! Gorgon laser charge
97 Peppy
Destroy all three energy balls!
The shield is gone, shoot the core!
When the spires respawn, core is exposed to attack
97 Slippy
Yippee! You did it! Boss down
97 Fox
Hold on, we’re entering Venom air space! Mission Accomplished

SF64 Venom Fighters

Venom's first wave of fighters.

Venom: Andross’s Homeworld; The Battle With Andross

Character Script Action
97 Fox
Don't relax, we’re not done yet. Mission Start
97 Falco
Time to show the monkey who's boss! Fighters coming in
97 Peppy
They're everywhere! Enter trench
97 Falco
These guys just keep comin’!
  • Don't go dyin’ on me.
Passing pilars
97 Peppy
Brace yourselves! Fighters ambush
97 Slippy
You'll be sorry punks! Approach cross points
97 Slippy
I'm going left!
  • Woah! Can you make it?
  • Watch out Fox!
  • Incoming!
Fly left with Slippy
  • Randomised
97 Falco
I'll take the left.
  • These guys don't quit.
  • Geez! Quit movin’ around!
  • Here they come!
  • Gotcha!
Fly left with Falco
  • Randomised
97 Peppy
I’ve got the right.
  • Watch out Fox!
  • You've got an enemy on your tail!
  • Incoming!
  • Just shoot it Fox!
Fly right with Peppy
  • Randomised
97 Peppy
You okay? Hold together, just a bit further. End of cross routes
97 Peppy
This brings back memories of your dad. Approach Pillars
97 Andross
Randomised taunt
SF64 24 CButton
97 Falco
Jeez Laweez! What is that?! Approach Temple
97 Slippy
That temple gives me the creeps. Approach Temple
97 Slippy
What's going on? He's running away! Golemech Appears
97 Peppy
Stay alert! Golemech Appears
97 Falco
Don't get too close Fox. Golemech Appears
97 Slippy
Data analysis complete. Here it comes. Bossometer uploaded
97 Peppy
97 Falco
97 Slippy
Encouragement Randomised

Venom: Andross’s Homeworld;The Final Battle

SF64 Venom WolfenII

Star Wolf arrive in their new ships.

Character Script
97 Fox
Say your prayers Andross!
97 WolfII
Don't get too cocky Star Fox!
97 LeonII
Let's see how you handle our new ships!
97 PigmaII
Too bad dad's not here to see ya fail!
97 AndrewII
We'll make sure you never reach Andross!
97 Fox
We'll just see about that Star Wolf.

Wolfen II dogfight

Character Script Action
97 Falco
You guys don't give up!
  • I see you've got new ships!
97 Slippy
Hey! Nice aircraft, guys! Random
97 WolfII
You're good, but I'm better.
  • No way! I don't believe it!
  • Down
97 LeonII
Not yet. The party's just begun!
  • He's too strong!
  • Down
97 PigmaII
You can't beat me! I've got a better ship!
  • This can't be happening!
  • Down
97 AndrewII
Give it up. You can't win!


  • Down

Enter Venom's tunnels


The battle between Fox and Andross.

Character Script Mission
97 Fox
I'll go it alone from here. Both
97 Slippy
97 Falco
97 Peppy
Fox! Depending on who is active
97 Andross
I’ve been waiting for you Star Fox!
You know that I control the galaxy.
It's foolish to come against me.
97 Andross
You will die, just like your father!
  • Now, you will feel true pain!
  • Venom II

Andross's Brain

Andross True Form SF64

Andross's true form in Star Fox 64.

Character Script
97 Andross
Only I have the brains to rule Lylat!
97 Fox
So Andross, you show your true form!

Say your prayers, Andross!

Character Script
97 Andross
If I go down I'm taking you with me!
97 Fox
97 James
Don't ever give up my son.
97 Fox
97 James
Follow me Fox.
This way Fox.
Never give up. Trust your instincts.
You've become so strong Fox.

Venom Accomplished

Character Script Mission
97 Peppy
Fox!! Are you OK?
  • Fox, you're OK!
  • Venom II
97 Slippy
YES!  You did it!
  • Way to go, Fox!

Venom II

97 Falco
Ok I'll admit it, you did good Fox.
  • That's our leader!
  • Venom II
97 Peppy
What's wrong Fox? Venom II
97 Fox
Nothing... Nothing's wrong. Venom II


Shigeru Miyamoto


Takao Shimizu

Art Director

Takaya Imamura

Chief Programmer

Kazuaki Morita

Sound Composers

Koji Kondo
Hajime Wakai

Sound Effects Programmer

Yoji Inagaki

Graphic Designers

Yoshiki Haruhana
Satoru Takizawa
Masanori Sato

Course Designers

Yasuhisa Yamamura
Takuji Hotta
Daisuke Tsujimura
Yasuyuki Oyagi


Yuichi Yamamoto
Nobuo Okajima
Shigeki Yoshida
Takamitsu Kuzuhara
Nobuhiro Sumiyoshi
Makoto Sasaki
Masumi Tarukado

Script Writer

Mitsuhiro Takano

Character Voices

Mike West
Rick May
Lyssa Browne
Jock Blaney
David White
J. Green
Bill Johns

Technical Supporters

Kenji Matsutani
Atsushi Nishiwaki
Hideaki Shimizu
Yasushi Ida
Hirohito Yoshimoto
Yoshinori Tanimoto
Takao Sawano
Hironobu Kakui
Kenji Nishizawa
Takuya Kuribayashi
Tsuyoshi Takahashi
Shin Hasegawa


Takashi Tezuka
Toshihiko Nakago

Progress Managers

Kimiyoshi Fukui
Keizo Kato

Special Thanks to

Benimaru Itoh
Super Mario Club
Ear Force

English Version Staff

Jim Cornell
Kenji Okubo
Greg Richardson
Kayomi McDonald

Executive Producer

Hiroshi Yamauchi

End Credits

Star Fox 64 Ending

The ending ceremony.

Time for us to go now

Character Script
97 Pepper
Star Fox, we are in your debt, I would be honored to have you as part of the Cornerian-
97 Fox
Oh no, sir. We prefer doing things our own way.
SF64 24 CButton
97 ROB
Great Fox is ready to go.
97 Fox
It's time for us to go now.

Training Mode


The Star Fox 64 Training Mode.

97 ROB
Welcome to training mode.
Let's practice the basics.
Teddy bear 64
Use the control stick to fly.
To ascend, pull back. To descend, push forward.
Press Z or R to move left or right quickly.
Control Stick
Press Z or R twice to barrel roll. It repels enemy fire. Z/R Buttons
Press B to bomb. Press again to detonate. B Button
If you hold A, it'll charge your laser.
Press A once more to shoot.
A Button
Lock on enemies when charging laser.
You get bonus pts. if 2 more foes are destroyed.
You can lock on and shoot bombs, too.
Aiming Sight
A silver ring refills the shield gauge.
3 gold rings will increase your shield gauge.
Collect 3 more for an extra Arwing.
Ring pickups
The laser item will power up your laser.
Hyper is more powerful than twin.
Laser pickups
Wing repair will repair your wings. Wing gyro pickup
Let's practice speed and U-turn. Pass pickups
Press C< for boost. Left C Button
Press C (down) to brake. Down C Button
The effect is greater if you hold the button.
If boost gauge is red, no techniques will work.
Passing obstacles
To somersault, press (down) and C<. Control Stick Down and Left C Button
You can U-turn in all-range mode.
Press (down) and C (down) to U-turn.
This only works in all-range mode.
After Somersault section
Press C^ to change the camera angle. Top C Button
To respond to messages, press C>. Right C Button
97 ROB
This is ROB64. Keep up the good work.
SF64 24 CButton
Great! Now let's get back to the game. Flown through all 100 blue/white rings
Teddy bear 64
Now moving on to all-range mode.
You can fly anywhere in all-range mode.
All-Range Entry
The yellow mark on radar shows your position.
If your reach the edge of the map, you'll U-turn.
Press START and choose QUIT to quit. START Button
Note: Quotes will be randomised and continued until the player chooses to exit back to the main menu.

Misc. quotes

These are quotes that are either repeated in more than one mission or mandatory reactions to gameplay performance. Fox makes a deathly scream when no teammates are active to react to his death, such as during Andross's battles. ROB will only speak when the player has pressed the right C button, so his quote may go unsaid if allowed. If any Ninjin Missiles explode at Area 6, wingmates will react in a painful scream, depending on who is present on the field.

97 Fox
Action Mission
There's one more to go! When one Wolfen is left Fichina
Venom II
Aaaaahhh! Down Any, no team-mates around
It's all coming down to this... Only Fox is left when facing Andross Venom
Venom II
97 Falco
Action Mission
Alright! Score Bonus +7 Hits Any
Hey Einstein! I'm on your side! Hit by Fox Any
Get out of my way! Collision Any
Aw, man! I'm gonna have to back off. Retire Any
No!!!! Fox is down Any, Randomised
Go find your own target Fox! K'O his target(s) Any All-Range
  • Time for a little pay back!
  • You're dead meat, pal!
  • Hold still and let me shoot you!
Chasing targets Any All-Range
Scratch one bogey! K'O an enemy Any All-Range
  • Shoot! He's right behind me!
  • I can't shake this guy!
S.O.S. Any All-Range
Move it, Fox! He's right behind you! Fox is tailed persistently Any All-Range
  • Gee, I've been saved by Fox! How swell.
  • I guess I should be thankful.
Rescued Any All-Range
Come on Fox! Let's kick some tail! Flying closely near Any All-Range
Shields report:
  • Ah, you're getting better, Fox.
  • You worry about your own hide.
  • See my ship? Does it look OK to you?
  • Shields 100%
  • Shields 75-50%
  • Shields 50-25%
Any unless specially scripted
97 Slippy
Action Mission
Yippie! You did it! Score Bonus +7 Hits Any
Hey, what's the big idea? Hit by Fox Any
What do you think you're doing Fox!? Collision Any
I'm monkey food if I don't leave! Retire Any
No!!!! Fox is down Any, Randomised
Hey, he was mine! K'O his target(s) Any All-Range
  • You're not getting away that easy!
  • I've got you now!
  • Your carcass is mine!
Chasing targets Any All-Range
I've got one!
  • Agana!
K'O an enemy Any All-Range
  • Fox! Get this guy off me!
  • This is really starting to tick me off!
  • Oh, No!
S.O.S. Any All-Range
Enemy shield analyised! Bossometer uploaded Any with Slippy active
Whew, that was too close! Rescued Any All-Range
Let's take it to 'em, Fox! Flying closely near Any All-Range
Shields report:
  • I'm fine, I'm fine!
  • I'm having some trouble here!
  • I thought I was a goner!
  • Shields 100%
  • Shields 75-50%
  • Shields 50-25%
Any unless specially scripted
97 Peppy
Action Mission
Good going, Fox! Score Bonus +7 Hits Any
Knock it off, Fox! Hit by Fox Any
Watch where you're flying! Collision Any
Sorry guys. I gotta sit this one out. Retire Any
No!!!! Fox is down Any, Randomsied
What's the big idea, Fox? K'O his target(s) Any All-Range
  • I won't let you get away from me!
  • You're mine!
Chasing targets Any All-Range
There's one down! K'O an enemy Any All-Range
Enemy down...Wait, that was one of ours! Randomised Katina
  • Take care of the guy behind me, Fox!
  • What's taking you so long, Fox?
  • Shoot they've got me!
  • I can't break free!
S.O.S. Any All-Range
  • Thanks Fox.
  • Your father helped me like that too!
Rescued Any All-Range
Come on Fox! You can do it! Flying closely near Any All-Range
Shields report:
  • Everything's A- OK.
  • I've taken a few hits, but I'm okay.
  • I saw my life flash before my eyes!
  • Shields 100%
  • Shields 75-50%
  • Shields 50-25%
Any unless specially scripted
97 Katt
Action Mission
You trying to damage my pretty face? Hit by Fox Zoness
Sector Z
97 Bill
Action Mission
  • Husky unit, cover the base!
  • Bulldog unit, don't let anything through!
  • All units report!
Randomised Katina
Just like old times, eh, Fox? Flying closely by Katina
  • Try shooting the bad guys, Fox!
  • Fox! That's one of ours! (If the player shoots down a Cornerian Fighter)
  • Hit a Cornerian Fighter
  • K'O a Cornerian Fighter
Hey! See if I help you again! Hit by Fox Katina
Sector X
97 Pepper
Score Results
This is one steep bill, but it's worth it! Less than sp$70,000 due
Wha-a-a-a-a-a-a-t? More than sp$70,000 due
StarFox Team Service Invoice
97 ROB
Action Mission
Location confirmed. Sending supplies.
SF64 24 CButton
Any except Corneria
Great Fox will cover you.
SF64 24 CButton
Area 6
Peppy's/Slippy's/Falco's ship is in the docking bay. Results Any
Peppy's/Slippy's/Falco's ship is in for repairs. Results Any
Repairs complete on Falco's/Slippy's/Peppy's ship. Results Any
Falco's ship is under maintenance. Results Corneria
Maintenance complete on Falco's ship. Results Meteo


  • ROB will only speak if his messages are answered and will go unsaid if ignored.
  • Falco's unique retreat results are unique to Corneria and Meteo, since his activity plays an important role in the Corneria mission and determines the outcome.
97 Wolf
Action Mission
You'll be seeing your dad soon Fox!
You're in my sights, you're going down!
Attacking taunt Fortuna
You're not so tough! Hit Fortuna
What the heck?! Perform evasive Somersault Fortuna
I... Can't... Lose! Down Fortuna
97 Leon
Action Mission
I'll take care of you!
You're not as tough as I thought.
Attacking taunt Fortuna
Shoot me down if you can! Hit Fortuna
Annoying bird! I am the great Leon! Tailing Falco Fortuna
This can't be happening! Down Fortuna
97 Pigma
Action Mission
I'm gonna bust you up, real good!
That reward's as good as mine!
Attacking taunt Fortuna
Come on, little man, shoot me! Hit Fortuna
I'll do you fast, Peppy old pal! Tailing Peppy Fortuna
My beautiful reward! Aaaarrggghhh!!! Down Fortuna
97 Andrew
Action Mission
Bow before the great Andross!
Give it up! You can't win!
Attacking taunt Fortuna
I'm not afraid of you! Hit Fortuna
Stick to the pond, froggie! Tailing Slippy Fortuna
Uncle Andross! Down Fortuna
