
Fox must push the Four Blocks in each corner into the holes and stop the gas before the gauge runs out.

The Gas Trap is a room in Cape Claw, Sauria. Fox unsuspectingly enters the room. In the middle of the room, there is a tall column. Surrounding this column are four stone blocks, placed at right angles from each other. After finding that none of the blocks would budge, Fox attempts to exit the room. The door slams shut in front of him. The four blocks slide backwards and into corners of a track on the ground, revealing vents underneath. Poisonous gas begins to fill the room. Fox only has a short time before he dies of poisoning. To shut off the gas and open the door, Fox must slide the four stone blocks back onto the vents. After the door opens, the grating that has the CloudRunner Queen locked up falls.

Other Info[]

  • More gas will suffocate Fox when he jumps down into the wind lift caves while on the road back and forth to Moon Mountain Pass from ThornTail Hollow.
  • If Fox climbs onto a block in the corner of the room, he will be able to breath and the health bar will recover.