The Hot Rodders

The entire Hot-Rodders gang.

This article's title is conjectural; it has no confirmed official name yet.

The Hot Rodders were a galactic gang only seen in the manga "Farewell, Beloved Falco". None of the members' names have ever been mentioned, with the exception of Katt and Falco. They have only thus far been sighted during the events of the Titania Incident.

Falco was once the head of this team before pulling out to join the newly reformed Star Fox team during the Lylat Wars. It was also implied that he partly resigned from the team due to a falling out between himself and Katt.

Technology and Equipments


The Hot Rodders HQ, its name appears to be "River Pig".

The Hot Rodders gang were somewhat equal to the Star Fox team in terms of personal tech and equipments, owning a decent carrier armed with a radar jammer and transmission tracers, which allowed them to detect signals and retreive data. Like Star Fox, the gang too were armed with heavy duty weaponry for armed combat purposes.

Titania Incident

Falco's revelation

Falco as a member of the the Hot Rodders before pulling out to seek new thrills, leaving Katt behind.

Four years after the Lylat Wars, Falco recieved news from Katt and decided to meet up with his old team on Titania. Under attack from a Goras, Katt was rescued in the nick of time by Falco. The Hot Rodders gang at last reveal to their former leader that they intercepted Venomian transmissions and suspect dangerous activity.


Fox and Falco get into a dogfight after a deception from Captain Shears.

Surprised by his behaviour, the Star Fox team followed Falco to Titania, coming across a Cornerian base built to study ancient records. Upon their arrival, they encountered Captain Shears, an officer in the Cornerian Army who informs the Star Fox team that the Hot Rodders are reminants of the Venomian Army. This deception mislead the two teams into serious conflict with each other.


Fox and the Hot Rodders put aside their previous differences and join forces.

After Fox and Falco came through a dogfight with each other, the Hot Rodders revealed that they had intercepted the Venomians transmissions concerning recreating Bioweapons, only to their horror (and Star Fox's horror) that they were attempting to revive Andross himself. Fox and his team redeemed themselves by stopping Shears' plans and by burying the Andross clone with a Landmaster within the research facillites on Titania. It was at this point when Falco decided to isolate himself from Star Fox temporarilly.

The Hot Rodders team's fate is currently unknown, although it is implied that Katt Monroe retired from the team when heeding Falco's final request to Katt.

Known Members

  • Falco Lombardi (Leader before joining Star Fox)
  • Katt Monroe
  • Kool (presumably the leader, who seemed to be romantically interested in Katt). 
  • Un-named male Crocodile/Alligator (presumably a crocodile because the bottom teeth are visible) who is the the heavy weapons expert. On the back of his jacket, he has a skull design with the name "Bowsor" in red above it, perhaps a reference to the Mario villain.
  • Un-named male Mouse/Rat (Implied to be "Mouser Mouser", as the back of his jacket has the name on it.)
  • Un-named Robot