
Template:Dinosaur infobox

Drakor (ダラコー, Daragoru) is the last SpellStone Guardian in Star Fox Adventures. Once Fox released the captive dinosaurs in Dragon Rock, Fox was able to enter the center of the volcano, which was where Drakor appeared and attacked Fox while on a floating platform. Like most of the Dragon Rock level, this fight took place in first-person mode with the staff. After defeating him, he fell in the lava and burned to death and Fox claimed the last SpellStone. He was created through severe mutation caused by General Scales, and appears to be some sort of humanoid dragon.

His attacks consist of shooting small blue laser bullets at Fox and setting electric traps behind him. He'll fly behind obstacles in certain parts of the fight. He also will cease his attacks and fly away when laying traps. In parts of the fight, the player must shoot the red switches to turn off the fire being shot when certain places are passed.


  • His appearance, as well as lack of resemblance to any other dinosaurs, hints that he was originally a SharpClaw before Scales mutated him, and his creation was to test out the mutation process.

    Trivia </ h2>
    • Hänen ulkomuotonsa sekä puute muistuta mitään muuta dinosauruksia, vihjaa, että hän oli alun perin SharpClaw ennen Scales mutaatio, ja hänen luomuksensa oli testata mutaatio prosessi . In addition, the various mechanical parts on him imply that Drakor was in fact a cyborg. Lisäksi eri mekaanisten osien hänelle merkitse sitä, että Drakor olikin kyborgi.
    • Drakor's battle theme is the same as when the ThornTails are being attacked upon the second time Fox returns to ThornTail Hollow from the Volcano Force Point Temple. </ Li>
    • Drakor taistelu teema on sama kuin ThornTails kimppuun hyökätään heti toisen kerran Fox palaa ThornTail Hollow päässä Volcano Force Point Temple.
    </ Li> </ ul>

    Luokka: Pomot Luokka: Dinosaurukset Luokka: Kuolleet
